Our future is uncertain if we do not remember our history and do not draw conclusions.
Vadym Novynskyi
The Ukrainian Orthodox Church is the true Church of the Ukrainian people, and its especially important task will be on the agenda once peace and the territorial integrity of the country are restored. Only the Church can heal wounds and reconcile people, unite them around Christian values and call for mutual forgiveness.
Vadym Novynskyi
It is sometimes said that politics has its own truth and its own honour. No, it is either you have honour or you do not have it; the truth is either there or it is not.
Vadym Novynskyi
If you promised – do it, if you cannot do it – do not give promises. This is the way any Orthodox person who is engaged in both political and economic activities should act. This makes up the reputation of a politician or a businessman.
Vadym Novynskyi
A person’s deeds speak about a person. Verbosity is known to be a sign of weakness. A strong and wise person is in a hurry to do, not speak.
Vadym Novynskyi
Ukraine is not split. We are divided by politicians, but we are all united.
Vadym Novynskyi
The Church remains the only social institution that all Ukrainians trust, irrespective of the region of residence, language of communication and political views.
Vadym Novynskyi
Orthodox values are an important unifying factor for society: it is from mutual forgiveness that the path to peace can begin. The Church is a bridge between the hearts of believers erected high above political contradictions and conflicts.
Vadym Novynskyi
The Church is not an element of independence. This is not the National Bank, not the Ministry of Defence, not the army, not the currency, not the flag, not the anthem. This is the Church. A theanthropic (divine and human) organism on Earth. The Holy Spirit is there.
Vadym Novynskyi





to site news
Political disputes over Ukraine's fulfilment of its obligations under the Minsk Agreements are facing a number of insurmountable arguments. However, any sociology shows that the overwhelming majority of citizens of Ukraine express the desire for peace and understand the non-alternative nature of the Minsk Agreements.
Ukraine has got tired of the war. For the fourth year people are dying, victims number in tens of thousands, the economy has been put on a...
